Friday, January 13, 2012

I Found the Elephant... He's Wearing a Noose

Big decisions take guts- we all know that.  But we also know that too many big, life-changing decisions are being made without a second thought.  We give pieces of ourselves away so quick that soon we're left with nothing and no way to recognize who we've become.  Every time I post, I DO have a main point (though it's usually camouflaged and dripping with sarcasm), contrary to popular belief.  This week (or last week, depending on how your mental calendar works), I made a pretty big decision.  Whole nine yards, y'all: weighing pros and cons, mentally walking through my future (it's as creepy as it sounds), spinning the emotional wheel of fortune... and it all came down to this.  No decision is easy, but we have to move forward or we risk getting stuck where we are. 
At least, that's what I told myself when I decided to graduate a year early.  You wouldn't believe the load of crap I've gotten for it.  I swear, people have come up to me and questioned my motives out loud (like, yeah, i'm graduating a year early just for YOU. cause you're so awesomely amazing and wonderful that you dominate my thought processes and all my future plans. you don't. i promise.). Other people think I just want to get away from home... and still others think i'm being a pompous braggart who's exclaiming to the world how smart she is.  The minority thinks I've gone temporarily insane.  Wouldn't it amaze them all just know how WRONG they are?  This whole entire fiasco just goes to show that no one thinks of anyone but themselves.
Surely, no one could possibly want to graduate early for the positive ramifications it could have on their educational future.  Obviously, no one wants to move on with their life.  Of course, no one thinks of the future that holds the best thing for them.  It seems I can't make a decision about my life for myself.  It's got to be analyzed, pored over, discussed in large time increments, and made so absolutely horrid that I no longer want anything to do with the idea.  No matter how much time I put into making it rock-solid, a real concrete step on the pathway of life, it's not good enough. 
Well, I could ramble on about that jolly subject forever, so I'll just add a quick note before I let you go...  If you have a problem with me, please, with a cherry on top, tell me.  Either I'll fix it or forget it and leave you to nurse it.... Thanks. Love y'all.