Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Things No One Tells You About Revenge

1.      Revenge is addictive.

There’s a reason Americans can’t wean themselves off of fast food.  The sodium levels in food prepared at these restaurants are sky high—and our bodies crave it.  To soothe this craving, we go back again and again; if we don’t sustain the new level of sodium, we sink into depression.  The same happens with revenge.  The knowledge that we can hurt someone brings power, and that power is a high that’s hard to get rid of.  Soon, hurting others is a habit. 

2.      One act of revenge will follow you for the rest of your life.

Chain reaction, domino effect, each action equals an opposite reaction; whatever you call it, it happens.  A misdeed done out of rash anger could spiral out of control and affect hundreds of other people.  And if you have a conscience (some people obviously don’t) guilt will set in pretty quickly, and  soon it will be all you think about.  Then anxiety will set in… which could lead to depression… which could lead to a pill-filled life, or death, or any number of other things.  Catch my drift?

3.      When you bust a headlight with a baseball bat, that glass goes everywhere.  And I do mean EVERYWHERE.

Haha, I’m serious.  Do you know how hard it is to wash glass out of your hair? And it’s such a pain having to change your contacts every time a microscopic piece of glass gets in your eye.  Guess that’s the price I pay for “returning the favor”.  It’s like they say, everything has a price. Cheap is rare and free is nonexistent.

Well, to update y’all quickly, life’s pretty great… I’m going with my awesome aunt and the best twin ever to see the new vampire movie tonight; yay!  This next week, I plan to eat and sleep.  And then eat some more.  And then sleep some more.  So there.  Sorry it’s so short.. Love y’all.

Haha I have one more update; Erin is trying her best to teach me how to play the piano and guitar.  I’ll have to post some of our crazy shenanigans later. J xox

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