Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's A Mental Party and You're All Invited

Before all of you start charging me with torches and pitchforks, yes, I have been avoiding blogging lately.  I always share too much of myself, and as much of this blog is left up to interpretation, all of y'all form opinions without knowing full stories and whatnot.   Anyway, I'm back for now, so I might as well resume the entertainment, right?  I realized today that it's Spring Break, and you all know what that means... Pictures of girls in bikinis on Facebook!  This is probably my least favorite time of year to be on a social networking site.  Bathroom shots, flipping on the beach.... But my favorite would have to be the "Hey, I'm trying this on in the store. I think it's cute, but what do you guys think?!?" picture.  Never fails.  The other depressing thing about Facebook during Spring Break is all these people talking about going places.  You know where I am?  At home, in my recliner, where I'll probably be all week.  Haha but it's okay, because most of the time I'll be asleep.
Y'all wanna know something else I realized today?  With some people, you just can't win.  You try so hard to get them to see how you feel, and they just... don't.  So I'm throwing a mental "I Give Up" party.  You're all invited.  There will be an extremely fattening cake, some presents that will ultimately be disappointing, and purple streamers.  And a pinata.  Filled with caramel.  (Please excuse the oddity; I happen to love caramel. And purple.) And after this mental party, my mind will probably wander off to some middle eastern country with camels (they're so cool!). 
I've been sort of cry-y lately (new word alert O.o).  For example, I read two books in the last two days, and they both made me sob.  And the other day, I stubbed my toe.  And cried.  Is that healthy?  Maybe it's just too much pent-up emotion.  Oh, hey, by the way, the elephant's dead.  I had a mental funeral last week (I do believe there are too many mental occasions going on in my life).  The poachers made tacky jewelry out of his tusks and love to flaunt it in my face (see if you can unwind that metaphor, suckers. i do so love metaphors).  But it's okay.  Like my English teacher told me, "We cry and then we cope."  Indeed. Sorry this post was so loony.  I'm a little on the delirious side.  I want my elephant back.  :(  Love y'all.

P.S. I love this kid.  And I will marry him.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I can blow up the balloons! And cry-y is ok every now and again. Just know that I will always be here for you whenever you need me :)
