Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bad Things Happen in Threes

      Seems like I'm posting once a month ha.  Maybe y'all can only handle this huge dose of humor every so often. Joking, I promise. The more probable reason I'm just now posting is because it takes an army and a lot of food to drag my brother away from Minecraft.  Well, now that all the mental festivities are over *tear*, we can turn our minds to a very real celebration... my birthday!! Yay.  I'll be sixteen (feel free to throw rapid-fire cliches at me now)... the sweet part is still under construction.  People keep asking me what I want for my birthday... and then they don't believe me when I say a baby zebra.  What's so wrong with that?? They're adorable and semi-violent, like me. :) Kidding (about the adorable part).  Anyway, my parents almost had myocardial infarctions (thank you, A&P :D) when I told them I didn't want to have a party (truth is, there aren't that many people I can stand anymore, and if we brought together a large number of people, I might end up smacking someone). 
     Speaking of smacking people, have you ever been listening to someone talk (usually about themselves) and you realize you're just watching stupid bubble over and fall out of their mouths?  So disgusting.  I'm a firm believer that if you can't hold a decent conversation, you should stare off in the distance broodingly so at least you LOOK relatively intelligent.  I had a whole other spiel about stupid people and the crap they talk, but then someone who reads this would talk about it and even more crap would get started, so let's just say I legit dislike stupidity.  You know what else is stupid? Ignorance.  Before you call people names, you should probably look up their definitions, so you don't look like an idiot.  I realized today that a lot of people are ignorant about tattoos (random subject change, hello.).  All those superficial egotistical stupidheads (leave me alone, this blog is rated PG) look at someone with tattoos and they immediately think trashy.  I think tattoos are a form of self-expression and if you can't handle that, you need to retrospect before you judge other people on their creativity.  And don't tell other's what to do with their bodies; just because you're narrow-minded and old-fashioned doesn't mean everyone else has to be. 
     *deep breath* whoo. Rant over. Maybe (not quite).  Each person thinks that they are the be all, end all, best person ever, yadayada blah blah.  If you look at someone and think, oh they shouldn't do that, they should be more like me, then you need to undergo a reality check.  Because you probably do things that they think are dumb.  Everyone has an opinion and a viewpoint and all that jazz, but you don't force how you think or feel on someone else.... that's like mental/emotional identity rape.  And I just KNOW some of you are thinking I'm talking about Jesus. Think what you want, it's your brain. But I do have one thing to say concerning some people's idea of evangelism, and it's exactly what my preacher said this morning: before you talk about Jesus, act like Jesus.  Several people I know could use a strong shot of come-to-Jesus. 
   But anyway.  Bad week, great weekend.  In other random news, I went to see the Hunger Games movie for the third time yesterday with two of my true friends... Yay for true friends. :) My nails are painted for the first time in forever and I keep getting distracted by the sparkly thingies.  I got a hula hoop for my birthday!!! I love hula hooping.  People will believe anything they hear.  Taco Bell at eleven on a Friday night is weird.  Never get in a car with my friends if you have to pee.  I am not that bad (truly, I suck) at Super Smash Bros. Every time I wear shorts now, I laugh a little inside.  I'm on a music high.  My friends are dropping like flies y'all... watch out ;).  I'm helping my Sunday school teacher find a bathing suit for her mission trip to Ecuador.  Soap operas are stupid.  I have a bruise on my head from where my friend (the one you shouldn't get in a car with if you have to pee) hit me on the head with a flashlight after blinding me. I have been in three strangers' bathrooms this weekend.  Well, that's about all the random I can handle.  Love y'all.  And remember, if something's not related to elephants, it's irrelephant. :D

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