Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just Call Me Dr. Philoprah.

Well. Let me just start off by saying this... if Texas were a person, I would punch him/her.  It would probably be a girl.  Cause Texas is just sooooooo great like that. Anyway; venting sesh over and whatnot.
Today was pretty great. Even though I almost froze to death in my dress (who knew Mississippi Decembers were cold?), I spent my afternoon with two of the best girls ever!  Our mall is entertaining on any normal day (pajamas and kids on drugs, anyone?), but today was extra special... must've been the added hilarity.  I managed to get almost all my Christmas presents (sustaining only minor injuries from fights with other shoppers) as well as a Captain Jack Sparrow t-shirt.  <---- I consider that to be an amazing feat.  Then home to change and hide all my awesome presents (people in this house are sneaky squared, y'all.).  At Holly's house, about eighteen hysterical inside jokes were made in the space of ten minutes.  (it's cause we rock \m/(-_-)\m/ ) Among corny one liners about firemen and confusion about a pink hole puncher, there were also doubts about the... idea to give a mountain dew to someone's boyfriend (if you don't know, google it.).  Then there were some songs about birds, and people were walking into doors all over the place.  It all ended with a violent fight because one of said two girls stole my phone (SN: you don't take a girl's phone. ever.).  And then we were all laughing like mentally challenged seals.... i know right? you wish you'd been there. :)
After some frappes and a new hat (new for me anyway), it was time for church.  Tonight was our Christmas program, and let me just say: some of these people have major pipes.  I'm serious. This one girl is eight, and she sang happy birthday to Jesus and it was pretty amazing.  Y'all ever listen to a song and get chill bumps?  Happens to me ALL the time.  No joke.  You could probably sing the State Farm jingle to me and I'd break out in them.... sigh.  Well, all good things come to an end.  Which brings me to my last paragraph.
Everyday people just don't get feelings.  Especially teenagers.  I can see both sides of the whole "it's only been three days and i swear i love him thing".  But truthfully, something that comes about in three days and starts with L? Not love, I promise.  And if you've only been seeing someone for a few months, don't start planning your wedding and naming your children.  Because sometimes, THINGS HAPPEN.  People wake up and don't have the same feelings.  It happens.  I can't explain it, but it does.  And when it happens to you or someone you have feelings for, it hurts.  I get that; I know.  But that hurt is the bridge to something better. (Geeze, I sound like Oprah and Dr. Phil's love child.)  Sadly enough, it's true.  If it didn't work out, it's probably not meant to be.  Especially if you're fourteen. Which is partly why I think it's so sad that everyone's in a hurry to grow up.  You act like a grown up when you're a child, and grown up things happen to you.  That's life.  Sorry to preach, haha.  Love y'all.

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