Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stop and Smell the John Lennon

You would think the last day of school would be amazingly, wonderfully perfect, would you not?  Presents, getting rid of books, that relief of leaving a classroom and knowing that you don't have to go back; all are good things.  But have you ever realized that one bad thing can negate hundreds of good things?  As humans, we are programmed to think pessimistically and we are eternal problem solvers.  So instead of stopping to smell the polluted air and dead flowers, we focus all our power on the bad things going on and how to fix them.  That is one of my hugest pet peeves.  People are all, "How do I FIX this?"  Sometimes you don't need to FIX it.  Sometimes you need to let it be.  (John Lennon said that as well, so I'm rolling with it.  He was a cool dude.) 
There's something I've been meaning to say for a long time and I keep forgetting (stay with me.... I'm stressed).  Do any of y'all have any idea how much your words and actions affect other people?  I know all of humanity is busy admiring itself in a metaphorical mirror and whatnot, but have you ever just stopped and thought about what your prescence means?  I'm human, so I know that we are a self-absorbed bunch of people.  Even if we don't think much of ourselves, we still think of ourselves first and foremost.  (cause it's all about you. )  That one insult you throw out without even thinking can literally poison someone for the rest of their day, and maybe their week.  Remember how I said people focus on the bad things?  As a girl, I can safely say that we remember insults far longer than we remember compliments.  And it kind of sucks.  Moral of the extremely short story... Smile at someone and make their day.  Hurt them, and wound them for an unspecified but long amount of time.  Just be nice, people! This is what I ask.
I'm also gonna ask for one more thing; prepare your brains.  All of what I'm about to say can be summed up in one word: CARE. For Pete's (never did figure out who he is, btw) sake, if someone cares about you, the abso-freaking-lute least thing you can do is care back.  You don't have to love them.  That's not what I'm saying.  But if you could manage to muster one iota of give a rat's rear (don't know where I got that... but I vaguely remember it from my childhood O.o), it would make that person so happy.  I promise.  You know how I know?  Because I AM that person.  We're all that person.  Each and every one of us cares about someone that doesn't care.  (I'm not talking just guy-girl relationships either.... i'm talking friends, parents, other family...) So.  You have homework until next time. (Next time I might ask y'all to hit someone.) Haha. :)
Be nice.  Concentrate on the good.  And care.  Love y'all.

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