Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dancing with the Stars, Bullets, and Fast Cars

Since elephants seem to be one of the main topics of discussion on this blog, I thought I should let y'all know that I'm reading this book (shock and amazement!) Water for Elephants.  Surprisingly, it's really cool.  Since it's Thursday (shudder... hillbilly day), I also thought I should tell everyone that I was right about the straw and boots and buck teeth.  But I forgot about the overalls! How could I?  I was talking to some of my friends in English today, and we've all decided that buttoned-up plaid shirts are a new, excellent form of birth control. Hehehe... My mom got her iPad in yesterday, and I was showing her some YouTube videos. She particularly likes the ones with the cats acting out a drama. Surprise, surprise!  We sort of ran down the battery watching covers of famous songs (I Will Survive and Jump, anyone?) and Charlie the unicorn videos.  Speaking of dear mum, we had a conversation the other day about dating guys with mugshots... Hmmm.  Ha I told her it's a good thing I blaze my own trail instead of following by example, or she might have a delinquent for a son-in-law. :)  ( She'll probably kill me for putting that on here. O.o) Hahaha.  I was at a gas station a few weeks ago, and they were selling stickers with "Things You Shouldn't Say to the Cops" on them:

Police Officer: Your eyes are bloodshot, have you been drinking?
Drunk Guy: Your eyes are glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?

Sounds like something people I know would say... Wink. So. Most of you (the ones that don't have lives), know that Dancing With the Stars came on this week.  I would just like to point out that they are really (really, really) widening their range.  But it's okay because I get to watch the Russian brothers dance.  And whoa... Can they dance.  Plus, Carson Kressley ("I'm so clumsy, I put the C in caucasian!") is hilarious. He can't dance worth a flip-flying-fladoodle, but he's talented at something.  Some of you lovely readers (all two of you) are probably wondering about the title of this blog.  I'll just tell you right now, it's a lyric from a Lil Wayne song that suited my post.  If you haven't heard his music and you're under 25, go listen.  If you haven't heard him and you're older than that... You probably don't want to. 

It's a good thing I'm not learning to drive from my mom. (She's gonna kill me anyway, figure I might as well go the whole nine yards here.) Here's a little of what happens when we're on the road:

Mom: "Hey can you text so-and-so for me?"
Me: "What do I s--"
Mom: *grabs the phone and huffs* "Never mind, I'll get it."

Me: "Uh, Mom, you're going like twenty miles over the speed limit."
Mom: "Sh! I'm winning at Words with Friends!"/ "I'm almost done with this book!"/ "Can't you see that I'm on the phone?"                        
Oh dear. Haha. One last thing, and I'll go. We got rolled last night by some pansies (cough cough Kevin) who wouldn't even come up close to the house.  Oh well, some things you just have to do yourselves. I shall have revenge... *insert evil face here* Mwhahaha. (That was my evil laugh.) Ha. Love y'all.

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