Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reporting from the Wasteland of Punishment... And Then Some

Well, folks, here it is.  Day three of my survival in the wasteland that is punishment.  Other than being low on patience and sustenance, all is well—with the world, if not with me.  This week is homecoming, and today is Monday, where a few brave souls ventured out dressed like senior citizens.  This year, tomorrow in fact, we have Fake an Injury Day (what were they thinking?).  Chaos will reign with flying crutches, kids walking into walls because of eye patches, and teachers yelling at petulant students that are saying desperately, “But Mrs. So-and-So, I REALLY broke my hand!!”  Yeah, right.  You just keep telling yourself that, buddy.  Then there’s Neon Day, where we all go on a mission to blind those around us with our dazzling array of extremely bright colors! Yay, school spirit. Thursday is… wait for it… Hillbilly Day.  (Am I the only one who sees the irony in that?)  So kids will come to school in boots and shorts with straw hanging out of their mouths and fake buck teeth in (and don’t ask me how, but I know those suckers can do some damage).  Friday, of course is where we come to school painted like Smurfs to show our school spirit once and for all.  Football players will roam the halls, randomly yelling about how bad we’re gonna kick Amite County’s butt, and cheerleaders will bounce around screaming, “Go Jaguars!”  All this week, in the dark of night, teenagers will sneak out with toilet paper and eggs and spray paint and decorate the houses of enemies and friends and teachers.  Seeing as we dominated in our last game (49-0), I’m pretty sure our boys will bring it Friday.  A win would be nice. J
Have you ever looked around you and thought, what am I doing here?  Why am I friends with these people, and why was I born into my family?  Heh, you’re not the only one.  If I can’t answer these questions, I can at least tell you that you’re not alone.  Sometimes I would give a million dollars to be out of here.  And sometimes I can’t imagine leaving.  But either way it goes, God’s with me.  So I’ll just let the chips fall where they may. Love y’all.

Hey, me again!  Same blog, different date, I know… I’ve just been having some problems with Internet access.  -_-  Ha, everything’s okay on the parental front now.  Yay, J Tuesday was everything I thought it’d be, except for some really realistic fake stitches… Some people go all out for homecoming!  I was just gonna let y’all know that I joined the realm of the school-spirited and wore a neon shirt today. Isn’t that peachy? (Sarcasm fairy’s in full force today!)  I was also gonna mention that some people get in and out of relationships really fast and I’m sort of getting whiplash from some of the couples I know.  Hint hint. Haha. Love y’all!

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