Sunday, September 4, 2011

Late Night/Early Morning... Tropical Storm & Youtube vs. Sleep

Hey. If it isn't obvious already, this is my first blog. C'mon people, where are the balloons? The confetti? I'm disappointed in you! Not even any streamers... Oh well. You know what they say about expectations. You do? Suck it up, I'm going to tell you anyway.  Expectations lead to disappointment. Never fails. What? You think this is a sad, sorry topic for my VERY FIRST EPIC blog post? You're right!
I should definitely talk about puppies, or bubbles, or I don't know, glitter. Yeah right. Before you commit to reading this, you should probably know that I'm accompanied everywhere by what I shall call the "sarcasm fairy". She's a lovely little thing when you get to know her, but at first she can be frightening. If she scares you away, I understand... scaredy-cat. <----- We'll throw that sentence under the adorable animals category and ignore the sarcasm, oui? You should also know I'm semi-trilingual. Note the semi- part. I recently did a project on Spain... apparently that's where Dora's from... according to my project partner. O.o I feel cheated; I always thought she was from Mexico. Do they even have monkeys in Mexico?
Let's talk about best friends. Everyone's got one, right? Everyone trusts their best friend, right? I'm here reporting from the scene of a broken friendship to tell you that it's probably never a good idea to trust anyone fully. Except for Jesus, of course. But people, you remember, are flawed. And sometimes, you're reading someone totally wrong. That or they're stupid. Most of you are probably mentally slapping me, but you know a simple telepathic 'shut up' would suffice, right? Ha, who am I kidding? I shall be lucky if three people read this. And those three people will probably call me and be all, "Yo, this blogging thing is not you. You best check yourself fo you wreck yourself, fool." Nah, I'm just playing. I WISH my critics were that cool.
I know I sound really cynical and world-weary when I'm only fifteen... but you old people should know something. Being young is hard. I understand that you were young forty years ago, but try and remember. For the sake of the children. I will now say farewell, in the hopes that I might get some sleep. I doubt it. *long, heartwrenching sigh* Love y'all.


  1. YAY! You started a blog! I shall follow you because I like you! and plus this was VERY entertaining to read! LOVE YOUUUUU!!!

  2. Thanks girl! Haha love you too & I'm already following you!
