Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yeah, We're Talking About Elephants Again

Did you know elephants can remember everything that has happened to them from the past 25 years?  Well, folks, that would be me.  I don’t “forget” stuff.  Especially important stuff, like feelings.  Dumb stuff like geometry and how to dissect a frog, on the other hand… haha. I was thinking today about selective amnesia.  Can you force yourself to forget something AND determine what you forget?  Cause that would be great.  There are buckets and buckets of things I wish I could forget.. and then a few things that I want to remember, but no one else does.  I can quote books and movies and the occasional sermon.  I have the lyrics to a bajillion songs in my head.  I have a photographic memory, for crying out loud! How the heck am I supposed to conveniently forget something I’d rather not forget?  To be nice, I could SAY I forgot and then let it keep me up til four in the morning while everybody else sleeps like a baby.  But that would be lying and lying is wrong. (How many kids do you know that had broken hearts when they discovered the truth about Santa?  Oh, and at this point if you are younger than eleven, you should exit off this and begin writing your Christmas list because I’m sure Santa and his millions of elves are ready to receive it and begin crafting your heart’s desire… which is probably a Big Wheel.) And anyway, if we’re still comparing my memory to that of an elephant’s, I would bet money that elephants don’t have to worry about forgetting things to make their friends happy.  Elephants are probably the happiest group of animals in the world, cause they all remember each other’s birthdays!! I know I’m ranting, but today just feels like a ranting day.  Do y’all ever have those?  I’m hungry and irritable and honestly, the next person that comes up to me and asks me why I’m sad….  I hope I inherited my right hook from some famous boxing ancestor that I’ve never heard of. Well. I’ll end on this.  Most of you probably are like, “Enough with the innuendos and the speaking of something that we know nothing about!”  Sorry about that you guys! I do have an update though.  I’m not moving three and a half hours away next year. J Maybe just thirty. Love y’all.

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