Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ferris Wheels and Failures

Guys, it's been a really long week. Which is kind of ironic, since we only had four days of school and all, but... you know. I did get to go to the fair, though, which is definitely on my list of Top Ten Places I'd Like To Be At Any Given Moment In Time (right below Scotland and the set of Saturday Night Live). I love how you can just walk in the gates and feel like a little kid again, especially since we're growing up so fast. It's funny how one minute I'll be all, "Man, I wish I was twenty-one and out of this place," and the next I'm like,"Dang, I sure wish I was five again... (mostly cause people stare at teenagers with coloring books)." I think my favorite ride is the ferris wheel. For real, it's the international ICON of a fair! Who wouldn't love being way up high, able to see for miles, with the wind blowing softly (and then this crazy guy you just met climbs up the to where you are and says he'll let go if you don't say you'll go out with him, so naturally you say yes, and then to embarrass him, you pull his pants down... Movie Moment!)? Haha sorry about that but I lovelovelove that movie... <3 Anyway, our fair got a new ride this year, which to me is really strange. For as long as I can remember, we've had the exact same rides. Change sucks, man. At times.
So I went to the McComb vs. North Pike game last night... and we pretty much died a horrible death. In the first 14 seconds. But it's cool beans... maybe we should start dancing on the field and have our ghetto names called out so we can be as beast as them. Eh, eh? Sounds like a plan. To me, anyway. Also at the game, I got to see some old friends and talk about some new ones... "So you're shopping around, huh?" "Nah, I got mine on layaway..." Hahaha I love Mufasa, he's great! And thanks to the annoying guy sitting next to me for commenting on every single play about how you could coach that team better and yadayada. Sincerely, if your grandma hadn't been between us, I would've punched you in the face. Stayed the night with Holly last night, and we stayed up late talking about boys and hats and friends and cats and drugs and (bet you thought I was gonna ryhme the next word, huh?) football. That girl don't play around with football... O.o hehe, Ben and Jerry are mah new bff's! half-baked fro-yo anyone? and then there was that guy... blasting music at midnight (sir, sir, sir, excuse me, DUDE! Turn the music DOWN!)... and quoting Sweet Home Alabama at Taco Bell "Do we know... Mo?" "You've got a baby... in a bar." "Why don't you go back to your double-wide and fry something!" "Just cause I talk slow don't mean I'm stupid." "Oh, Lord, the South has risen again!" Hahahaha... we also talked about she-who-shall-not-be-named--- "She's a trip!" ~Holly "I think she's on something..." ~Mr. Dean "So... she takes trips!" ~Me *long sigh* That made my sucky week so much better. Oh and this is an insider that few people know about. Why you? I don't know, why me why you? There. Bite me. :P

Love y'all. :D

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