Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Elephant in the Room (Or in This Case, My Head)

Everyone reaches that pivotal moment in their life when they have a choice to make. A life-changing choice, should I say, not whether you want an omelette or doughnuts for breakfast. And for some people, making decisions is extremely... hard. And by "some people" I mean me. I've always had a problem with indecisiveness, but it used to be I couldn't decide whether I would read a book or listen to music. Dumb stuff. Things you take for granted. And, because of that, I'm now at a sign that says, 'Crossroads Ahead: Six Months.' I feel like my life has turned into a time bomb-- and not the cool kind on Saturday morning cartoons.
Today, the notion was put into my head that I should go to a good school about three and a half hours from the only family and friends I know. Pros: experiencing life on my own, new people, scholarship oppurtunities, a new town to explore, and amazing classes. Cons: experiencing life on my own (freedom and I do not get along... born rebel, I am... also a Star Wars fan. :D) , I won't know anyone, I'll be miles away from hugs ( cause you know most strangers don't take kindly to hugs from other strangers), and I have the strong intuitive feeling that once you sever the cord that ties you to your home, you can't ever really get it back. So, me and this idea just met today, but we already have a love/hate relationship.
I really, really want to go. But everytime I start to let myself want it, I think of all the things I'll miss. Football games, graduating with the kids I've known all my life, my baby cousins learning to talk or taking their first steps. I'll miss birthdays, and weddings, and maybe some deaths. But when it's all said and done, what, besides my family and a few good friends, is keeping me in Small Town Mississppi? It's like this huge black hole. You think all your life about getting away and then when the time comes, it hurts to think about leaving.
Well, it's late. I'm tired. Too much has happened... I need recovery time haha. Sorry this post was more morbid philosophing than humorous wit, but... you roll with the punches you're given, or you get knocked out. Love y'all.

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