Friday, December 30, 2011

It's A Morbid, Melancholy Midnight

I don't cry much... I think there are much more beneficial ways to release the negative emotions.  But tonight, I'm crying.  I always knew that the people who hate you do their best to hurt you, but I never would've figured that the people who say they love you would go out of their way to stab you in the heart. It's not even the big things that hurt anymore.  I can get over those pretty quickly.... It's the little things: the flash-flood insults that are supposed to be funny, the indecison that I guess is supposed to appear aloof and mysterious.  And even those don't hurt as much as someone telling me they love me when I know that they don't and they can't.  There's no way someone could love you and be able to cause you so much pain and not care or know, is there?
I also don't bother other people much with my problems (except y'all, now, cause i'm tired and hurt and i just want to talk about it. sue me.).  I used to know where I stood with everyone.  I had best best friends, best friends, friends, fake friends, and people I knew.  Now, I don't know who I can tell what.  Sometimes, I don't even want to tell anyone, because once people know that something can hurt you, they either pity you, use it against you, or don't care.  And you know something else that bothers me?
No one keeps secrets anymore.  I swear, none of you could be criminals.  It doesn't matter how big or small it is, you have to tell one person.  And I promise that one person will tell another person.  It's a vicious, neverending cycle. 
Oh, and one more thing.  If you're one of those people who take important things, or moments, or words that have been said and you treasure them in your heart, keep them to yourself.  Chances are, the one person you want to remember them too, doesn't.  I was going to apologize for being such a downer in this blog, but I changed my mind, because I decided i'm not ashamed of this.  Any of it.  Love y'all.  Even if you don't love me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stop and Smell the John Lennon

You would think the last day of school would be amazingly, wonderfully perfect, would you not?  Presents, getting rid of books, that relief of leaving a classroom and knowing that you don't have to go back; all are good things.  But have you ever realized that one bad thing can negate hundreds of good things?  As humans, we are programmed to think pessimistically and we are eternal problem solvers.  So instead of stopping to smell the polluted air and dead flowers, we focus all our power on the bad things going on and how to fix them.  That is one of my hugest pet peeves.  People are all, "How do I FIX this?"  Sometimes you don't need to FIX it.  Sometimes you need to let it be.  (John Lennon said that as well, so I'm rolling with it.  He was a cool dude.) 
There's something I've been meaning to say for a long time and I keep forgetting (stay with me.... I'm stressed).  Do any of y'all have any idea how much your words and actions affect other people?  I know all of humanity is busy admiring itself in a metaphorical mirror and whatnot, but have you ever just stopped and thought about what your prescence means?  I'm human, so I know that we are a self-absorbed bunch of people.  Even if we don't think much of ourselves, we still think of ourselves first and foremost.  (cause it's all about you. )  That one insult you throw out without even thinking can literally poison someone for the rest of their day, and maybe their week.  Remember how I said people focus on the bad things?  As a girl, I can safely say that we remember insults far longer than we remember compliments.  And it kind of sucks.  Moral of the extremely short story... Smile at someone and make their day.  Hurt them, and wound them for an unspecified but long amount of time.  Just be nice, people! This is what I ask.
I'm also gonna ask for one more thing; prepare your brains.  All of what I'm about to say can be summed up in one word: CARE. For Pete's (never did figure out who he is, btw) sake, if someone cares about you, the abso-freaking-lute least thing you can do is care back.  You don't have to love them.  That's not what I'm saying.  But if you could manage to muster one iota of give a rat's rear (don't know where I got that... but I vaguely remember it from my childhood O.o), it would make that person so happy.  I promise.  You know how I know?  Because I AM that person.  We're all that person.  Each and every one of us cares about someone that doesn't care.  (I'm not talking just guy-girl relationships either.... i'm talking friends, parents, other family...) So.  You have homework until next time. (Next time I might ask y'all to hit someone.) Haha. :)
Be nice.  Concentrate on the good.  And care.  Love y'all.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Just Call Me Dr. Philoprah.

Well. Let me just start off by saying this... if Texas were a person, I would punch him/her.  It would probably be a girl.  Cause Texas is just sooooooo great like that. Anyway; venting sesh over and whatnot.
Today was pretty great. Even though I almost froze to death in my dress (who knew Mississippi Decembers were cold?), I spent my afternoon with two of the best girls ever!  Our mall is entertaining on any normal day (pajamas and kids on drugs, anyone?), but today was extra special... must've been the added hilarity.  I managed to get almost all my Christmas presents (sustaining only minor injuries from fights with other shoppers) as well as a Captain Jack Sparrow t-shirt.  <---- I consider that to be an amazing feat.  Then home to change and hide all my awesome presents (people in this house are sneaky squared, y'all.).  At Holly's house, about eighteen hysterical inside jokes were made in the space of ten minutes.  (it's cause we rock \m/(-_-)\m/ ) Among corny one liners about firemen and confusion about a pink hole puncher, there were also doubts about the... idea to give a mountain dew to someone's boyfriend (if you don't know, google it.).  Then there were some songs about birds, and people were walking into doors all over the place.  It all ended with a violent fight because one of said two girls stole my phone (SN: you don't take a girl's phone. ever.).  And then we were all laughing like mentally challenged seals.... i know right? you wish you'd been there. :)
After some frappes and a new hat (new for me anyway), it was time for church.  Tonight was our Christmas program, and let me just say: some of these people have major pipes.  I'm serious. This one girl is eight, and she sang happy birthday to Jesus and it was pretty amazing.  Y'all ever listen to a song and get chill bumps?  Happens to me ALL the time.  No joke.  You could probably sing the State Farm jingle to me and I'd break out in them.... sigh.  Well, all good things come to an end.  Which brings me to my last paragraph.
Everyday people just don't get feelings.  Especially teenagers.  I can see both sides of the whole "it's only been three days and i swear i love him thing".  But truthfully, something that comes about in three days and starts with L? Not love, I promise.  And if you've only been seeing someone for a few months, don't start planning your wedding and naming your children.  Because sometimes, THINGS HAPPEN.  People wake up and don't have the same feelings.  It happens.  I can't explain it, but it does.  And when it happens to you or someone you have feelings for, it hurts.  I get that; I know.  But that hurt is the bridge to something better. (Geeze, I sound like Oprah and Dr. Phil's love child.)  Sadly enough, it's true.  If it didn't work out, it's probably not meant to be.  Especially if you're fourteen. Which is partly why I think it's so sad that everyone's in a hurry to grow up.  You act like a grown up when you're a child, and grown up things happen to you.  That's life.  Sorry to preach, haha.  Love y'all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Home(work) for the Holidays

Family is something most people take for granted. We think, yeah, I have parents, maybe a brother or sister, grandparents, and bunches of cousins. And we neglect to appreciate them and spend time with them until it's almost impossible to do so. Thanksgiving Day will be here in about 45 minutes. We celebrate cause a couple hundred years ago, two groups of people came together and celebrated survival;; shouldn't we be doing the same thing?? Every day we wake up and we LIVE. We talk to people, we listen to music, we eat, we interact, we think (mostly about dumb things, but still.). Some people don't wake up at all. They don't get to tell their moms to let them sleep for five more minutes, they don't get to spin around or jump in big piles of leaves, and they don't get to hug their family and tell them they love them. To nearly everyone I know, Thanksgiving is synonomous with two things (maybe cause I'm from the South): food (and those of you who know, you KNOW.) and rest. Give us turkey with dressing and some pies... then let us nap and we're good to go. Oh, and then there's the dreaded Black Friday sales, where all the insane people (mostly women like the one from that crazy Target commercial) camp out in front of stores til three in the morning to buy Christmas presents. Then they go home and decorate for Christmas. If anything, Thanksgiving is the "middle holiday" between Halloween and Christmas. Kids are all whatever, cause what do they get out of Turkey Day but uncomfortable clothes, great-aunts pinching their cheeks, and uncle whats-his-face snoring so loud they can't hear the tv?
Well; I'm here to tell y'all to wake up and smell the pumpkin pie (my fave :D). Hug your grandparents, cause they won't be here forever. Get down on the floor and race cars with your little cousins, even if you think you're too old. Rock your baby cousin to sleep, even if there are a million other things you'd rather be doing. These moments only happen once. If you blink, you miss them and you can't get them back. (I know I sound like i'm preaching, but i'm as bad about this as everyone else) I've realized that Thanksgiving isn't long naps or casseroles or watching football or a parade or even turkey. Thanksgiving is family. And it's more than one day a year. Imagine (yeah, i just said that) that you wake up tomorrow and the world as you know it is gone. Over. Vanished, zip, zilch, nada. What would you wish you would've done or said? Who would you miss?
I'll leave you with this, children (haha. ha.)-- make a list. Take five minutes away from Angry Birds and write a list of what you're thankful for. I'm sure if you think hard enough, you can come up with oodles of things and people. Then (here's the clincher) let the people know. If you haven't seen them in a while, write them a letter. If you think they don't know that you love them, call em, text em, e-mail em, do something. Write on their Facebook wall for crying out loud. Even if you see them every day. Say, I love you and I'm glad you're in my life. And while you're at it, do something nice for them. Blah, blah, homework over the holidays... unlike x+zy3478 to the second power divided by carrots, you'll be glad you did this one day. Happy Thanksgiving y'all, I love you and I'm glad y'all are in my life.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Things No One Tells You About Revenge

1.      Revenge is addictive.

There’s a reason Americans can’t wean themselves off of fast food.  The sodium levels in food prepared at these restaurants are sky high—and our bodies crave it.  To soothe this craving, we go back again and again; if we don’t sustain the new level of sodium, we sink into depression.  The same happens with revenge.  The knowledge that we can hurt someone brings power, and that power is a high that’s hard to get rid of.  Soon, hurting others is a habit. 

2.      One act of revenge will follow you for the rest of your life.

Chain reaction, domino effect, each action equals an opposite reaction; whatever you call it, it happens.  A misdeed done out of rash anger could spiral out of control and affect hundreds of other people.  And if you have a conscience (some people obviously don’t) guilt will set in pretty quickly, and  soon it will be all you think about.  Then anxiety will set in… which could lead to depression… which could lead to a pill-filled life, or death, or any number of other things.  Catch my drift?

3.      When you bust a headlight with a baseball bat, that glass goes everywhere.  And I do mean EVERYWHERE.

Haha, I’m serious.  Do you know how hard it is to wash glass out of your hair? And it’s such a pain having to change your contacts every time a microscopic piece of glass gets in your eye.  Guess that’s the price I pay for “returning the favor”.  It’s like they say, everything has a price. Cheap is rare and free is nonexistent.

Well, to update y’all quickly, life’s pretty great… I’m going with my awesome aunt and the best twin ever to see the new vampire movie tonight; yay!  This next week, I plan to eat and sleep.  And then eat some more.  And then sleep some more.  So there.  Sorry it’s so short.. Love y’all.

Haha I have one more update; Erin is trying her best to teach me how to play the piano and guitar.  I’ll have to post some of our crazy shenanigans later. J xox

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Moral of today: expectations will RUIN you. Either way, you can't win. No one can read your mind, so unless you're one of those obnoxious people that tells everyone what they expect, you won't get it. And I'm not obnoxious... (well, maybe when it comes to baked goods and people that are hard of hearing) This past week's been alright. Saturday (minus the hairspray fumes and glitter) was pretty shocking. Sunday was sort of depressing. Monday, school was a drag, but then I got to hang with my bestest friend (Icees and Sonic!)... Here are some (amusing, if slightly confusing) quotes from my stay with her: "You IDGIT, go faster!-- I can't, this IDGIT in front of me won't move out of the way!" "Hippopotamus!" "Stop molesting my vehicle!" "You can't sing in Wal-Mart.-- Why not? Everyone else here is crazy!" "Why is she saying she wants to change his last name? She's a girl. O.o" Yeahhh, we're crazy, but you love us anyway. :D Yesterday was fun, went to church and Taco Bell with Ben. Ha I hope my family didn't scar him for life. Just kidding, my mom's so excited that he gets sarcasm she probably wouldn't care if he had a mugshot ;D. Apparently several people were creeping us, cause I got like eight text messages saying (word for word) "Hey girrrlllll, see you eatin at taco bellzzz... Haha have fun wit yo boyy...*insert emoticon here*" And people wonder why America's grammar suffers. -__-
Sigh. I wish it was Friday already... After the football game, I'm going home and sleeping for a week. So there! Wait... Dangit. I'm talking to the ever-elusive and mysterious 'they' again. Hmm... What to say, what to say? Uh, my writing for MSA is coming good(but then, I write all the time so how could it not be haha?). I guess I'll leave off with the nugget of wisdom that nothing's ever as it seems. Oh and; my sarcasm has, shall we say, flown the coop, so I'm in need of some happiness. Any takers? Love y'all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pirates, Subs, and Storms, Oh My!

Can I write a semi-amusing blog in under fifteen minutes? Challenge Accepted! Haha, so I'm in accounting, and we have this sub. And she thinks she knows everything as she shakes her poorly dyed hair and smoothes down her purple Snoopy (as in Charlie Brown) T-shirt.  She has yelled at every student in the hour she's been in here. She doesn't listen to a one of us, and every once in a while, she'll drift off into some story from her childhood, or tell us how she throws shoes at her children. The standard for people who are accepted as teachers astounds me. For real, I honestly don't know how this woman managed to pass high school, much less get a degree to be a substitute teacher... But, what do I know? (According to this substitute, not much.)
So, I'm watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies for the first time this week (courtesy of my friend with many names), and they're pretty amazing.  Orlando Bloom almost made me forget about Channing Tatum :) Almost. Haha and I discovered that I want to be a pirate! Realistically, it's not a good plan, but in my head.... I think I'd be a good pirate. Hmmm. I guess the world will never know. And that's probably a good thing.
I was watching Glee the other day, and they were talking about how some people are unicorns-people that do such wonderful things that they turn from metaphorical "horses" to metaphorical "unicorns." Therefore, my thought of the day is, "Am I a horse or a unicorn?" No lie. I was also thinking about something else today while it was storming. (I love storms!) Isn't it funny how no matter how much you want to, you can't fall for someone? Even if they're perfect, or just nice, or just... right. If  you don't feel anything for them, what does it matter? You're always stuck with the people that are into other people. Like my dear friend Will said two seconds ago, "You just can't win." (He was talking about solitaire and doesn't know I stole his quote, but hey, if the shoe fits...)  Anyway, I was just musing about how love often goes a full circle with no one being happy. Unless you're one of those lucky people who has actually found someone that fell for you too.. To me, that's the best kind of magic. Love y'all.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dancing with the Stars, Bullets, and Fast Cars

Since elephants seem to be one of the main topics of discussion on this blog, I thought I should let y'all know that I'm reading this book (shock and amazement!) Water for Elephants.  Surprisingly, it's really cool.  Since it's Thursday (shudder... hillbilly day), I also thought I should tell everyone that I was right about the straw and boots and buck teeth.  But I forgot about the overalls! How could I?  I was talking to some of my friends in English today, and we've all decided that buttoned-up plaid shirts are a new, excellent form of birth control. Hehehe... My mom got her iPad in yesterday, and I was showing her some YouTube videos. She particularly likes the ones with the cats acting out a drama. Surprise, surprise!  We sort of ran down the battery watching covers of famous songs (I Will Survive and Jump, anyone?) and Charlie the unicorn videos.  Speaking of dear mum, we had a conversation the other day about dating guys with mugshots... Hmmm.  Ha I told her it's a good thing I blaze my own trail instead of following by example, or she might have a delinquent for a son-in-law. :)  ( She'll probably kill me for putting that on here. O.o) Hahaha.  I was at a gas station a few weeks ago, and they were selling stickers with "Things You Shouldn't Say to the Cops" on them:

Police Officer: Your eyes are bloodshot, have you been drinking?
Drunk Guy: Your eyes are glazed, have you been eating doughnuts?

Sounds like something people I know would say... Wink. So. Most of you (the ones that don't have lives), know that Dancing With the Stars came on this week.  I would just like to point out that they are really (really, really) widening their range.  But it's okay because I get to watch the Russian brothers dance.  And whoa... Can they dance.  Plus, Carson Kressley ("I'm so clumsy, I put the C in caucasian!") is hilarious. He can't dance worth a flip-flying-fladoodle, but he's talented at something.  Some of you lovely readers (all two of you) are probably wondering about the title of this blog.  I'll just tell you right now, it's a lyric from a Lil Wayne song that suited my post.  If you haven't heard his music and you're under 25, go listen.  If you haven't heard him and you're older than that... You probably don't want to. 

It's a good thing I'm not learning to drive from my mom. (She's gonna kill me anyway, figure I might as well go the whole nine yards here.) Here's a little of what happens when we're on the road:

Mom: "Hey can you text so-and-so for me?"
Me: "What do I s--"
Mom: *grabs the phone and huffs* "Never mind, I'll get it."

Me: "Uh, Mom, you're going like twenty miles over the speed limit."
Mom: "Sh! I'm winning at Words with Friends!"/ "I'm almost done with this book!"/ "Can't you see that I'm on the phone?"                        
Oh dear. Haha. One last thing, and I'll go. We got rolled last night by some pansies (cough cough Kevin) who wouldn't even come up close to the house.  Oh well, some things you just have to do yourselves. I shall have revenge... *insert evil face here* Mwhahaha. (That was my evil laugh.) Ha. Love y'all.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reporting from the Wasteland of Punishment... And Then Some

Well, folks, here it is.  Day three of my survival in the wasteland that is punishment.  Other than being low on patience and sustenance, all is well—with the world, if not with me.  This week is homecoming, and today is Monday, where a few brave souls ventured out dressed like senior citizens.  This year, tomorrow in fact, we have Fake an Injury Day (what were they thinking?).  Chaos will reign with flying crutches, kids walking into walls because of eye patches, and teachers yelling at petulant students that are saying desperately, “But Mrs. So-and-So, I REALLY broke my hand!!”  Yeah, right.  You just keep telling yourself that, buddy.  Then there’s Neon Day, where we all go on a mission to blind those around us with our dazzling array of extremely bright colors! Yay, school spirit. Thursday is… wait for it… Hillbilly Day.  (Am I the only one who sees the irony in that?)  So kids will come to school in boots and shorts with straw hanging out of their mouths and fake buck teeth in (and don’t ask me how, but I know those suckers can do some damage).  Friday, of course is where we come to school painted like Smurfs to show our school spirit once and for all.  Football players will roam the halls, randomly yelling about how bad we’re gonna kick Amite County’s butt, and cheerleaders will bounce around screaming, “Go Jaguars!”  All this week, in the dark of night, teenagers will sneak out with toilet paper and eggs and spray paint and decorate the houses of enemies and friends and teachers.  Seeing as we dominated in our last game (49-0), I’m pretty sure our boys will bring it Friday.  A win would be nice. J
Have you ever looked around you and thought, what am I doing here?  Why am I friends with these people, and why was I born into my family?  Heh, you’re not the only one.  If I can’t answer these questions, I can at least tell you that you’re not alone.  Sometimes I would give a million dollars to be out of here.  And sometimes I can’t imagine leaving.  But either way it goes, God’s with me.  So I’ll just let the chips fall where they may. Love y’all.

Hey, me again!  Same blog, different date, I know… I’ve just been having some problems with Internet access.  -_-  Ha, everything’s okay on the parental front now.  Yay, J Tuesday was everything I thought it’d be, except for some really realistic fake stitches… Some people go all out for homecoming!  I was just gonna let y’all know that I joined the realm of the school-spirited and wore a neon shirt today. Isn’t that peachy? (Sarcasm fairy’s in full force today!)  I was also gonna mention that some people get in and out of relationships really fast and I’m sort of getting whiplash from some of the couples I know.  Hint hint. Haha. Love y’all!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Grounded, verb. Definition: imprisoned in one’s own home with no way of communication to the outside world; sentence for wrongdoing.   Used in a sentence: Madison behaved like a horrible, snippety teenager and henceforth, she was grounded…  I do believe I’m going to publish my own dictionary.  I’ll give old Webster a run for his money.  And then when I’ve sold a million kajillion copies, I’ll be a billionaire and travel the world and buy things for no reason at all.  Just kidding.  If I were a billionaire, I’d feed the hungry, donate to bunches of charities, build homes for homeless people…. And then I’d be right back where I started.  Broke.  It always seems like your heart’s bigger than your wallet, amiright?  I suppose I deserve to be grounded… I haven’t been a very nice person lately.  (And hey, if I were my mom, I wouldn’t put up with me either.)  Haha I probably need to be on lockdown until I’m forty.  I know if my kids are half as crazy as me, that’s where they’ll be!  On a lighter note, I’m sure EVERYONE is aware that the tigers devoured the bulldogs… and now it’s over.  So STOP GRIPING AND BRAGGING.  It’s annoying.  There will be other football games.  A lot of other football games!  Don’t get your knickers in a twist.  (Between you and me, that always sounded really unpleasant… -_-)  Right now, I’m in accounting. (Stop! I know what you’re thinking!)  *insert defensive voice here* I get my work done fast!  Haha.  Remember when we talked about forgetting?  Apparently you CAN contract selective amnesia.  I think I’m doing a pretty dang good job, considering the circumstances.  You know, it’s always harder to forget than forgive.   Give me five minutes and I’m all, “You’re forgiven, blah blah blah…”  But like they (quick question: who is this ever-elusive “they”?)  say, trust is like a piece of paper.  Once you crumple that piece of paper up, it’ll never be perfect again.  Some of my friends don’t even care.  Ha they burned that piece of paper a long time ago. After shredding it and feeding it to a goat.  (Goats eat paper, right?)  But, I digress.  Moral of the story: There’s a fine line between turning the other cheek so much you get whiplash, and being a forgiving person…. Mother always said I liked to dance on lines.  Bad girl signing off.   Love y’all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yeah, We're Talking About Elephants Again

Did you know elephants can remember everything that has happened to them from the past 25 years?  Well, folks, that would be me.  I don’t “forget” stuff.  Especially important stuff, like feelings.  Dumb stuff like geometry and how to dissect a frog, on the other hand… haha. I was thinking today about selective amnesia.  Can you force yourself to forget something AND determine what you forget?  Cause that would be great.  There are buckets and buckets of things I wish I could forget.. and then a few things that I want to remember, but no one else does.  I can quote books and movies and the occasional sermon.  I have the lyrics to a bajillion songs in my head.  I have a photographic memory, for crying out loud! How the heck am I supposed to conveniently forget something I’d rather not forget?  To be nice, I could SAY I forgot and then let it keep me up til four in the morning while everybody else sleeps like a baby.  But that would be lying and lying is wrong. (How many kids do you know that had broken hearts when they discovered the truth about Santa?  Oh, and at this point if you are younger than eleven, you should exit off this and begin writing your Christmas list because I’m sure Santa and his millions of elves are ready to receive it and begin crafting your heart’s desire… which is probably a Big Wheel.) And anyway, if we’re still comparing my memory to that of an elephant’s, I would bet money that elephants don’t have to worry about forgetting things to make their friends happy.  Elephants are probably the happiest group of animals in the world, cause they all remember each other’s birthdays!! I know I’m ranting, but today just feels like a ranting day.  Do y’all ever have those?  I’m hungry and irritable and honestly, the next person that comes up to me and asks me why I’m sad….  I hope I inherited my right hook from some famous boxing ancestor that I’ve never heard of. Well. I’ll end on this.  Most of you probably are like, “Enough with the innuendos and the speaking of something that we know nothing about!”  Sorry about that you guys! I do have an update though.  I’m not moving three and a half hours away next year. J Maybe just thirty. Love y’all.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ferris Wheels and Failures

Guys, it's been a really long week. Which is kind of ironic, since we only had four days of school and all, but... you know. I did get to go to the fair, though, which is definitely on my list of Top Ten Places I'd Like To Be At Any Given Moment In Time (right below Scotland and the set of Saturday Night Live). I love how you can just walk in the gates and feel like a little kid again, especially since we're growing up so fast. It's funny how one minute I'll be all, "Man, I wish I was twenty-one and out of this place," and the next I'm like,"Dang, I sure wish I was five again... (mostly cause people stare at teenagers with coloring books)." I think my favorite ride is the ferris wheel. For real, it's the international ICON of a fair! Who wouldn't love being way up high, able to see for miles, with the wind blowing softly (and then this crazy guy you just met climbs up the to where you are and says he'll let go if you don't say you'll go out with him, so naturally you say yes, and then to embarrass him, you pull his pants down... Movie Moment!)? Haha sorry about that but I lovelovelove that movie... <3 Anyway, our fair got a new ride this year, which to me is really strange. For as long as I can remember, we've had the exact same rides. Change sucks, man. At times.
So I went to the McComb vs. North Pike game last night... and we pretty much died a horrible death. In the first 14 seconds. But it's cool beans... maybe we should start dancing on the field and have our ghetto names called out so we can be as beast as them. Eh, eh? Sounds like a plan. To me, anyway. Also at the game, I got to see some old friends and talk about some new ones... "So you're shopping around, huh?" "Nah, I got mine on layaway..." Hahaha I love Mufasa, he's great! And thanks to the annoying guy sitting next to me for commenting on every single play about how you could coach that team better and yadayada. Sincerely, if your grandma hadn't been between us, I would've punched you in the face. Stayed the night with Holly last night, and we stayed up late talking about boys and hats and friends and cats and drugs and (bet you thought I was gonna ryhme the next word, huh?) football. That girl don't play around with football... O.o hehe, Ben and Jerry are mah new bff's! half-baked fro-yo anyone? and then there was that guy... blasting music at midnight (sir, sir, sir, excuse me, DUDE! Turn the music DOWN!)... and quoting Sweet Home Alabama at Taco Bell "Do we know... Mo?" "You've got a baby... in a bar." "Why don't you go back to your double-wide and fry something!" "Just cause I talk slow don't mean I'm stupid." "Oh, Lord, the South has risen again!" Hahahaha... we also talked about she-who-shall-not-be-named--- "She's a trip!" ~Holly "I think she's on something..." ~Mr. Dean "So... she takes trips!" ~Me *long sigh* That made my sucky week so much better. Oh and this is an insider that few people know about. Why you? I don't know, why me why you? There. Bite me. :P

Love y'all. :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Elephant in the Room (Or in This Case, My Head)

Everyone reaches that pivotal moment in their life when they have a choice to make. A life-changing choice, should I say, not whether you want an omelette or doughnuts for breakfast. And for some people, making decisions is extremely... hard. And by "some people" I mean me. I've always had a problem with indecisiveness, but it used to be I couldn't decide whether I would read a book or listen to music. Dumb stuff. Things you take for granted. And, because of that, I'm now at a sign that says, 'Crossroads Ahead: Six Months.' I feel like my life has turned into a time bomb-- and not the cool kind on Saturday morning cartoons.
Today, the notion was put into my head that I should go to a good school about three and a half hours from the only family and friends I know. Pros: experiencing life on my own, new people, scholarship oppurtunities, a new town to explore, and amazing classes. Cons: experiencing life on my own (freedom and I do not get along... born rebel, I am... also a Star Wars fan. :D) , I won't know anyone, I'll be miles away from hugs ( cause you know most strangers don't take kindly to hugs from other strangers), and I have the strong intuitive feeling that once you sever the cord that ties you to your home, you can't ever really get it back. So, me and this idea just met today, but we already have a love/hate relationship.
I really, really want to go. But everytime I start to let myself want it, I think of all the things I'll miss. Football games, graduating with the kids I've known all my life, my baby cousins learning to talk or taking their first steps. I'll miss birthdays, and weddings, and maybe some deaths. But when it's all said and done, what, besides my family and a few good friends, is keeping me in Small Town Mississppi? It's like this huge black hole. You think all your life about getting away and then when the time comes, it hurts to think about leaving.
Well, it's late. I'm tired. Too much has happened... I need recovery time haha. Sorry this post was more morbid philosophing than humorous wit, but... you roll with the punches you're given, or you get knocked out. Love y'all.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Late Night/Early Morning... Tropical Storm & Youtube vs. Sleep

Hey. If it isn't obvious already, this is my first blog. C'mon people, where are the balloons? The confetti? I'm disappointed in you! Not even any streamers... Oh well. You know what they say about expectations. You do? Suck it up, I'm going to tell you anyway.  Expectations lead to disappointment. Never fails. What? You think this is a sad, sorry topic for my VERY FIRST EPIC blog post? You're right!
I should definitely talk about puppies, or bubbles, or I don't know, glitter. Yeah right. Before you commit to reading this, you should probably know that I'm accompanied everywhere by what I shall call the "sarcasm fairy". She's a lovely little thing when you get to know her, but at first she can be frightening. If she scares you away, I understand... scaredy-cat. <----- We'll throw that sentence under the adorable animals category and ignore the sarcasm, oui? You should also know I'm semi-trilingual. Note the semi- part. I recently did a project on Spain... apparently that's where Dora's from... according to my project partner. O.o I feel cheated; I always thought she was from Mexico. Do they even have monkeys in Mexico?
Let's talk about best friends. Everyone's got one, right? Everyone trusts their best friend, right? I'm here reporting from the scene of a broken friendship to tell you that it's probably never a good idea to trust anyone fully. Except for Jesus, of course. But people, you remember, are flawed. And sometimes, you're reading someone totally wrong. That or they're stupid. Most of you are probably mentally slapping me, but you know a simple telepathic 'shut up' would suffice, right? Ha, who am I kidding? I shall be lucky if three people read this. And those three people will probably call me and be all, "Yo, this blogging thing is not you. You best check yourself fo you wreck yourself, fool." Nah, I'm just playing. I WISH my critics were that cool.
I know I sound really cynical and world-weary when I'm only fifteen... but you old people should know something. Being young is hard. I understand that you were young forty years ago, but try and remember. For the sake of the children. I will now say farewell, in the hopes that I might get some sleep. I doubt it. *long, heartwrenching sigh* Love y'all.